17 April 2022

Drive better ROI by Asking the Right Questions from your Data with Data Discovery

Whether it is planning to transform your data and drive business decisions. Or begin with the data gathering process. Identifying the business pain points is essential.


Unless you ask the relevant questions, your data will not convey the right facts. But how do you determine which question is "correct"?


Read on, to know more.


To ask concrete questions, you should prepare a questionnaire based on your company's strategy, goals, budget, and target consumers. This will give you the data breakdown and assist in gaining business insights using the appropriate data discovery approach. Let’s take a look at how asking the right questions can unearth hidden insights.


The Questions You Ask Determine The True Potential Of Your Data

It's critical to get feedback and context from the audience and end-users. You should be aware of the main difficulties, processes, and objectives. 

There are four dimensions that can assist you in keeping track of your facts and making your questions precise.

  • First is the identification of the problems, concerns, or basic impediments that your target audience wishes to address.
  • Once the issues have been identified, you should define the measures, key metrics, and other data points that will be utilized to highlight the issue, as well as track the progress of the efforts.
  • You should also plan for the outcomes. Establish a strategic goal or intended outcome for your audience.
  •  The final phase of the process will be to review the important actions and strategic initiatives that your audience has executed to attain the goal.


Once you have addressed the four dimensions of the process, you’ll need to consider the factors that impact your ability to ask the right questions from your data. 


Below are 4 factors that can help you to ask the right questions from your data and augment the data discovery process. 

  • Educate your Team on the Data Sources 
  • Consolidate Data from Siloed Repositories
  • Specify Objectives & Key Results Before Execution
  • Identify the Relevant Questions and Clear the Clutter

Aimlessly spending hours to determine something that eventually turns out to be unimportant can drain your team’s productivity. It may also not weigh much in the actual decision-making process. Augmented data discovery along with well-defined terms and their relationship, gives you a jump start to ask the relevant question(s).

How can Rawcubes Impact Your Ability to Ask the Right Questions from Your Data?

Rawcubes is a pioneer in providing a fully managed end-to-end data management software that equips you with data discovery, data intelligence, and data integration. The Knowledge Explorer engine from DataBlaze can assist firms in profiling and discovering the data about their clients. It uses natural language processing to offer an optimal procedure for searching client surveys, feedback forms, sentiment analysis, and other crucial data points in real-time. 

The Knowledge Explorer can extract essential business terms from your dataset using NLP algorithms and keep a dictionary of these terms and their relationships. The use of a glossary of business terminology and relationships might assist you in asking better questions about your data. With its NLP capabilities, DataBlaze and Knowledge Explorer can assist you with augmented data discovery by constructing business expressions and their associations. As a result, you'll be able to better understand the business use case and, as a result, ask pertinent questions about your data. 

Thus, fret no more and get answers to all your questions with DataBlaze software now!