28 November 2016

How to Keep Your Rental Furniture Clean

When deciding to rent furniture, there are a few things we should be aware of, such as the actual pricing of the items, how comfortable they realistically are, and whether or not they require an easy cleanup. You know, the basics.

A major concern for many of us college students is keeping things semi-nice. Not just our GPA and bedroom when mom decides to FaceTime, but our belongings too. Keep in mind that renting entails returning something at some point. Which also means being in pretty good condition, hopefully.

To discover how to keep your rental furniture clean, continue reading below.

Develop a fast response time.

We tend to take things slow and easy. In other words, we try not to freak out about the small things and instead focus on how great life currently is and not the three research papers sitting on our desk due in less than 48 hours. No worries, I know you will get around to it.

As soon as we create a spill, stain, or utter mess, we should probably clean it up stat. If forgetful, just reminisce on growing up and accidentally spilling salsa on your couch when you know good and well that you should not even be eating in the living room. Then your mom grounds you for a month. Not the best memories.
You need to have a quick response time to not leave messes any room to destroy your rented furnishings. Run to your cleaning supplies cabinet, or that random drawer in the kitchen that houses weird necessities, and grab that stain removing spray.

Then apply as necessary and make it look as brand new as you can. And if you can’t, then at least you tried, and attempt to not spill any more vodka cranberry on the couch that your friends sleep on. They will surely thank you later. And if you do not own any type of cleaning spray, I would maybe get around to that sooner rather than later.

Test it out first.

Before you apply a specific cleaning spray, you should 100 percent test it out on a smaller area. Just in case there is a bad reaction of some sorts. Just like if you buy a new face cream, you should only apply a little at first. See, these methods work for all sorts of things. You are welcome.

If you are unsure about what to specifically use for your fabric, then I would definitely do some research and maybe even make a few calls to grandma. They always know these answers, plus I’m sure she would love to hear your voice. Google should also offer you some answers, as well as the furniture’s website if all else fails.

Since this is rental furniture we are talking about here, you should make sure to take before pictures when you first receive the items. This way, you can compare the appearance whenever you feel like it. And you will have an up-to-date idea of the damage currently done.

Random effects can possibly take place, including tearing, an odd feel to it, and especially discoloration. These are obviously changes that you did not intentionally sign up for, so just make sure to test as you go. And if worse comes to worst, use a pillow or throw to cover up the stain.

Designate cleaning days.

Everyone loves to clean, right? Okay well no, but it is sort of necessary if attempting to keep things sort of decent. At least we can say you tried and that has got to be worth something. If living with roommates, then this will probably not be too hard on you, but then again, sometimes roomies aren’t the best/nicest people.

Assign a certain day to clean your furniture or house in general. When you decide to do a load of laundry, maybe just vacuum some and wash your sheets. Of course you can turn up the jams and have a concert in your living room as well. No judgement.

The point of cleaning days is to not force you to do something just because, but to help you stay on top of doing the things that you normally would not go out of your way to do. Like cleaning the fans. So boring, I get it. Yet, completely necessary in order to not breathe in grossness.

Since you are renting your furniture pieces, you are sort of paying for them on a monthly basis. So every time rent is due, maybe that is when you can all collectively clean. And if not that day, then somewhere around it. Once again, the point is to keep on top of it so that it does not get away from you and you end up having to pay way more money at the end because of a few minor stains that were easy fixes in the moment. Got it?

There are various ways to try and keep your rental furniture clean. However, only a few methods actually work. This means cleaning up spills ASAP, testing out the cleaning products first and foremost, and of course actually cleaning.

This will not only save you time and money in the long run, but also a lecture from your parents. See, cleaning doesn’t have to be that bad.

Looking for an easy way to furnish your off-campus apartment? Renting furniture from CORT saves you time and money. See how easy it is to get great looking furniture without breaking the bank.

Resource :http://www.uloop.com/news/view.php/220506/How-to-Keep-Your-Rental-Furniture-Clean