Comedian Paul Mecurio, is my long lost brother. He grew up in Providence, in an Italian family, and is now living in enemy territory in NYC, doing stand up, and contributing to the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. He called in to talk about his upcoming shows at Comix Comedy Club at Mohegan Sun April 7-9. But, we ended up talking about The Daily Show, dildos, Monica Lewinsky, Stephen Colbert, cold cuts, Pablo Sandoval, family, and so much more. Check out my interview here!
Transcript - Not for consumer use. Robot overlords only. Will not be accurate.
It's just scary weekdays three to seven on Boston's rock station WA AF. Well. With all. And. Or did it talking and they can be I love this station I've that was news station but he would be the first time I've ever issued an onstage. Very excited. U group Rhode Island right. I grew up and Providence, Rhode Island and Italian family 100% Italian. And then right. And it's funny because. Ma when you know tell people who aren't account that your account anything like either mafia or classic on the furniture like those of the things. Well that's my upbringing was like so that's I think gov. Well are out like. The mop departure because nobody is he runs numbers in Providence. And in this. He's got the front of the world which used door particulate John triple and like he did it secret because about. That's like that but he selling would be cheating he knows nothing of Britney when he decides that it pumped me he goes up. Eighty sell trunk of the car. Sued ratchet and use Allen Karl arms that he stole a lot of other people cart. And we knew about the fact that he is he's not a very good arms we talked about it to some of the box seat in between but what people in the works right. This is what it Guido at night while apparently remember years ago you know typical Catholic attack kills you know. It was a receiving line right open casket betterment instrument moms you know but look at it in incomes baht. Tokyo the plot inject a fluorescent orange so picture on bought gold chain. White patent Avago whites blacks and like that the queen tickle chat here but. One match loafers and not make it up no socks just the way has opened but it was the summer so people aren't you keep your eye. But he put so much powder that every time he stepped toward the casket. Possibly smoker coming out of the house of issues. They're in kindergarten something nominee the Pope. It's a but at the bit did you have to really neat room where everything had particularly on the only choice. A year yeah we what is there on Christmas and when we had company. Yet in eastern right that was you we have that we had we. My grandmother happened to him my grandma have a particular the Pope Jesus and strikes and not like those with a three picture right. But my mother's house my parents and what was working there furniture store and so there was a pig sty. Just hold this in high school. I mean I want to each one in Aaron instrument broken without don't normally have been stayed with it and they were out there haven't been in touch and in house except started to. Stereo and Oregon. It that's another thing about proper that we think of these reports stands in the middle of the wouldn't he goes. Oh my god. Kind of an animal would make a mess like this. Yeah having gotten ransacked. And exactly like a weapon programmes shade salami out there it's great men as are its. There was no picture JFK and the luck as we had valid to. Are you at it and say yeah. We and that it was a crop in every room like meanwhile hot spot swearing like a sailor bright light and we'll burn it all at all. My mother and 87 now and she wrote the depressions machine won't buy anything like she spoke to guard action literally stop at night. But it certainly namely that the garbage at Providence. And like she's he sent to track him like a caucus on the roguish yet it attract that it expects that a Vermont. If she got it shouldn't she finally hearing in the garbage at bat ears. If she uses that period and whistles all the time. You can never late to respect. And you know it's like talking to teach Atlanta how Esther okay it keeps you out of her mind. No it is crazier than an Italian that lived through the depression. Now nobody. She she Mark Cuban parliament that the requirement that the again none of this is made up she has styrofoam cool like that she got a Wal-Mart. It chic with different bills of different cool like bills to pay bills paid like literally sick of it lately we need to carry Rodham and yet you are. I think a lot of it like with just that she's got to remind. I sun my grandfather or my Sicilian grandfather. Making head she is he had a welding helmet on and he was blow torching the hair off the pig's head. Like you could Paris so just imagine that you know he's like the old guy they used to make a donut from a Dunkin' Donuts commercial that's used to look like an all white. When the welding helmet on hole the Higgs said by the ear. To blowtorch and hair off of. And it worked around what is going to be delicious it will be. Don't you pay Easter it would take on the warriors. What are you an enemy territory now is. You grow the private hands you're a Boston sports fan yes and you might even work in New York. I know it's not on the bright Red Sox so the patriots the nineteen. Forever my kid to. But yet I. I get the confrontations with people are not like armor. Can we out of results on. I don't listen 2007 whatever dynamic future as well and not enough. United chimney you know it wouldn't junior and sitting status yet read into expletive people security Yankee fan I was gonna fight with the diamond and you're. You Yankee into the most if not actually stand there'll be reading your face a vote. I don't know what we're gonna do lake. Pop why did we get public invoking telling me what. It is to present the principal and renew its patent estate I mean. Did you decide to obviously didn't take after reaching his peak so what what what they think it Husain risk. He should Amber's spring training bigger than Vince Wilfork. A except couldn't do it like hearing he Edwards brings an hour and a and a grinder a lot of this out of his pocket like that's what I think it's like. You didn't even care what twenty million mountains there and and so. I I am excited and took some clues as well as in baseball and and clean and and I hope that they can select. I perfect. In the period secular current treaty turn in my words that scare you take the mountains. He's certain. Element OK are some arm again and I do you have kids. Now. I had colleagues. Yet now you better. I. Premiere Wednesday and it people goes that in there but there are so busy or we should look into the woods and come back home yet. Apparently you know right and right in part to listen there's no aren't regular like. You're spirit in their spare time rightly I took of on this and and it's not every McCain not to do right. A lot of those permanent school market of cheese sandwich in the bill that burns appreciate it or crew chiefs are in an article. In a note that might two. I wanna go to a strip club gives me static. Daddy we fall skiers need. To check in burning ropes. Grown I would need I mean I don't need to take bat or just interrupt. So it's always something and now and going through puberty so what we've been talking about all that stuff you know which is interest and couldn't get inherent places you know. You're darn about living in new York and and you know being in the Red Sox fan I know you're contributor to the late show with Stephen called marriage that you got it Annie working on the daily shell. And please tell me who's always your buddy John Oliver did a Yankee Stadium. Yeah. It it it you know it's too much you know it's silly. But hoping it's a real became part of all of this you know what kind of your big cold air and you've called her and going back typical bear or. All my god when he. I've been embedded overseas a couple of times at the troops and I love his passion and support of the military. I love it when he has the medal of honor recipients on and and when he. Ever went over there and Odierno she shaved his head. Well it was wearing a suit made added Digi cam Malle I was like this guy. Is the best tests. Yeah yeah you gotta communicate Utica about the New York I'm the enemy territory grader ought to go outside. Now like crazy and I think that the U. We you know. That's about it initially we just pushing the envelope with stuff like. OK and I'll tell you the stories here. Well you'll play it but. We will do what he's about this story and show doing a piece about. You can at Times Square in cleaned it up and reform now Ariel. Kidney came in so we didn't correspond to swear. Like movement and that it distorts but it really is historically he's just hard for poor partner and emirates and of course are just went through the store and picked up what is he. Product like the little princess or whatever what they were just looked at the camera this is the deal. Late in it like. Literally fifteen and so we cut the piece together and that had to be screened by the executives are not. And the president. Connecticut they get put on the air and he didn't see it but aren't you might not he would. You can. Opt out you laughing at the same time kind of out you but he added you. Eagle and and eating beans spam and you can do it on the view. What was that coupled. I think it might won't let him sit. On a range of rule that you could only thing that goes into a movie like. My first questionable I can't say fifteen times how many times can I say they'll. Okay well there but you got it please give me some parameters to work. What has the right it would where we are ready to rent a cable and how many times it would. One of those moment shall never forget this I need to ship them back and forth it's like being a pop and out of respect yeah. How. Did that and every time we seem like it at a you know at the annual Christmas party whatever day it is six they'll no doubt now. A it's the seventh time you say bill though that it's over the edge. It's is to it did you know you gotta go I don't know if you remember Whitney brown number eight US. Cuba and now. Really dry really in he was the key along with our first. People on The Daily Show to do those. Correspondent pieces which are not corporate part of the sixty minute kill each correct so so Witten was. A buried in his very nice but what kind of at the precedent he'd like to master your head just in person it's one of those guys thank. And he that you're that in these agents hockey which sought these people in so deeply. Comedy meet you let's say you know like the mayor of the town only it was a woman we don't that you chastity belt her cult and couldn't break actions not which the real thing. It's so he do that so you can use this and get it though. So are you wouldn't would I would say. You're you're you're eccentric yes. Interest in yes. Provocative yes yes it he would get some more on it and you just keep. Insulting it's just keep nodding her head. Secretly. You know I was someone who should be at the sweep in any. And people would not now that they were being insulting and doing such passive aggressive way it was crazy it's so good. I don't know how you guys keep a straight face when your film and stuff like that because I would be. Literally crying and peeing at the same time. Well sometimes you can't like sometimes. You just. Like you have to go lake you have to. The break in putt you know and play they're not in on it but they're kind of so it this weird. Like juxtaposition. Of white beard of their unique and for the comedy but there also the target of the comedy at the same time now and you know we've just gotten away those you know that's just in crazy let me get a Monica Lewinsky thing. You know to hedge out of her that we had issues doing like those nations to know Vanity Fair spread after she got trouble with all the clintons suffer. You're just said spread and a head shots argun about Monica Lewinsky and my brain is crying. I need to see I do what you guys do can I can't keep my brain strain. Now alone you know what that's where they have like us baptism some that you're on somebody else bought you know like he argued he'd like. People are going Guardia at like twelve working right so it because some days. It just not click in or your uncle or whatever it is like. But what we were you doing this song and in this is that. The great thing about it but they want you to push the envelope and we'll be back you know and I mean and I and look your. Your former you know what that's like I'm sure that's happened so like we were doing this thing about going and like each kind of my writing partner tiger really that you know just instantly tell you know she could just to rehabilitate her career and certainly Vanity Fair spread so we like. But this isn't the only thing she's doing she just got endorsement from. It products like the milk industry and we had a pretty quote unquote milk shot older or chase our. That's that got milk at the bottom of it. And again the president network saw that we held it back from the script. Continue to show the picture they would put it in and it aired by apparently like it'll and he calls like you are particularly went nuts. And they pulled it and you never reader choke you show New Year's election victory of the times. During the course of the day in the night and they never re aired it and creating Elvis again. The highlights. You can product let you know. So it's it's been really insane just comes up you know you can talk about and do you know. Well really by that old adage is well that it's easier for forgiveness than it is for permission. Why haven't showed it she's gonna be no post it's going to be doing the same thing that everybody else is doing so we sort of I think the way we approached it and same thing. Armor on the late show colder now and you know it's like why not just. You know kind of push it and see how far you can go and you know. And then I don't know if you've been seeing we have this animated cartoon trump. All my god it's hilarious. Including cricket slates it's really the best like it's so much on Aaron. Our what do we do we edit your aviators you did you use it jury to challenge. For why is trump losing Wisconsin poll. Because this handout argument a vote count ego. All around. CNN go for more on the show with a giant budget a huge staff. And then you go to the second lonely his place in the world besides the pitcher's mound. Up onstage behind a microphone as a standup comic. Which it is you've got you know no safety net no staff if you're having a bad day your school food. Yeah but I like it because it's I lake and back and I talked to the auditing firm arm hacked them I mean really like your crops like it you know what I. Performance other than to your musician where you can break up for a walk in just legitimately puppet he can't let it this way or whatever and and but you know like a guy on TV shows and daytime shows and talk shows and talk about if it's not so recently we were talking about relationships and stuff and night. I've been saying you know like I just the other night like we were talking about like. Who manipulates more in a relationship. Men or women in that them on show on them. I don't know instead of the plot about it and act instead. Really. Out of that and more women are better because we've used sex to manipulate. And that's okay because great things had been achieved but and because when it's sixty minutes. We indicate men only invented fire and it was a woman whining if you call that. I don't fire right. Can you see it make you can you discuss regional currency goes mammogram. Our heads a running into each other with their warns you need to have a good time doing that. They do that because as a female optimist doctor and a poke around on I don't know what to write about it it's and you want a bigger that's all. Why I've said all along. Rock and roll wouldn't exist of women mourn bitches cell where the inspiration and amuse. Exactly. Exactly what that I had this provincial Bettany natural Rocco yeah. I would go on their children and I would he yell back and I was on and they ask me let me ask you would have went. You know what more coordinator relationships communication or sects right. In our bodies on air because security now no communication. Station and that's of that now. Now that's the great question you say that the accused in polite circles. You know videos intersect. Because especially for men men don't fantasize about communication. Little guy out there right now you know what. I wish and I have a three way dialogue with two women about how they feel. That's like most guys worst nightmare. Exactly did you imagine like. You need another woman just a chit chat and like they were gonna get the spotlight at the airport can build those in the car way to go here let's go. That's what I don't understand you know like those sister wives people. Like what living hell does that guy wanna be and for the rest of his light breeze got more wide so. Might hasn't won any probably plot to my violent dads on an hourly basis. Our other lipid. I am with you like I say. I had actually. You know we would talk in between commercial breaks we had we talked to the audience during the show. In it was a poorly in this year we used to girlfriends and his wife. Came when we start talking again bottom onstage replied to and can take him when he opened my way of response expect that we well what the white and I spent. Cameron I we mature and those are good at political art. Our particular girl and aren't you waited out and it. The way he does not back I'm looking for another point I'd have to look for an eight. And and you look at the guys that long scraggly hair in literally cut off jeans we Wear suspenders he literally looked like. You visited shack and best of Vermont like in this guy's got toward women in his life and I'm like I don't whine. In my way my what I'm completely opposite currently she's quiet methodical I'm like all over the place like it's an Italian cheaply. Very the one thing at a time I'm like I multicast or bad. You know we might never mean seeking to make it look at my wife are wonderful in my broker eat Chinese who watch football game at a satellite missions they'll. A but it who cares about the debt he did on that so did write your. And I'd give you credit for being efficient would your diet yeah. You know what and maybe. And I remember like in high school we needed fourteen years and America has the other. And we dated fourteen years before we get married and she proposed finally. I. She or are you. That I can remember exact words that did I get really emotional and I talked about it that they and the report get off. Might snap right to detention right retention. Oh my god. And you know what you are trying you know but she really is she's accusing a lot of lightning looked back and part of some sort of he comes from white background real quiet they don't wake. A mobile just it ends up and Colin you know running means like they don't like this in words like Italians are like what did you mean by that. That morning now like it might act and a dynamic you know. I did tell my husband and that I don't think he cares about anything in less yells about it and he understands that he's not Italians yet. Yeah like you're not yelling about it therefore you must not care. He had that black we like you would like more accurate my wife first game in any traction she really. She literally that they are experts sharply but the expression people have written so that Hindenburg explode. Like why don't like it she it would break you know the public fourteen quite the food flying around them. My uncle's a smoke a cigar because Bobby shore up that he stole their people yelling about politics and and you sort of light and heat you don't know that this is just the way it it. Writely to what it's like normal. Right that's two day. It. It seriously is like a horror film to an outsider. I'll keep because we've been I had dinner at their house it was like steak potato. In a role. Like meanwhile you know les you know we get a bit accounting. My uncle Archie went barbershop. In province. That's the way now you know the deli place in the big speech silver Delhi like. I have one in my kitchen and yes I do so. I think you'll like your. And it did they made it and long. Late baloney not at all and what that he would be 100 scratch. It's. A almighty god. I happen what might we noted late. Analytical is viewed what do you do you put it shouldn't. Like. You to keep. Did you know David. A commercial grades like sir in your said. Yeah and I'm like don't judge me when the next time you wanna buy and tigers allowed me you'll get many. But this is desperate. An aggregate look at it don't I ever had at a little that's her brother was bigger than that it's what she went on here I would sit there. And I watched my uncle who would be smoking his cigar while he did it's slow and so on just mesmerized watching this peace is salaam were all on that. No trade. Is hypnotize and oh my god the sword and sealing your Mohegan this week you gonna come seniority and all I spoke to many as your family got to show up. My Brothers and my mother com's what you've written here unique. She doesn't it really doesn't work each year so she harbors in the back of the room tries to get your speakers right like. It's in the eighties that are on it anymore. And good wandering around the room. Trying to I'm not only in the keep that out of her she should completely out of her mind and she puts you battery in refrigerator. Not fresh. Battery. Prepared she literally went oh. They eat ice age and refrigerators and the mustard in it at that she cried Jimmy reed battery with a gonna come back alike. I can't it's as it seems like it because it probably won't happen which it ridiculous like. People wanna see the sitcom you're going to be at comics comedy club at Mohegan. What Thursday Friday Saturday. Yet once you know there's they want your Friday and Saturday both comics and the next year or my next commonwealth one word comes comedy dot com to check it stands it's a beautiful new venue they just sit there and as the clouds are really afraid of him it's it's a it's just a lot of fun you know a lot of my friends you know all my friends and family you're still up in Rhode Island Connecticut absolutely. Within an epic shot several folks. Folk and try to get stories all the stories and more more. You a lawyer turned comedian I left Wall Street to be a comic it's like analysts' current you know. On the all the links up so everybody can find you up in my blighted WA AF dot com. Great great picking and you know have a podcast and had done on the car and beyond and Jay Leno host you can call bear jittery lenders a lot of cool guest you can get my podcast on our web site called curious how. I really appreciate you can't pomp. It sounds like we've been cut from the same cloth. Yeah it relate their brother and sister that was separated at birth. You gotta now under the new York and I know my yet I would love to that would be amazing. Yet this is appreciate. Come on the show time and please let me know when you're gonna schedule again got from Boston to I'd love daddy come and sit in the studio. Yeah we're actually talking about your date with the club. If it's. Top bought in common Tommy Barrasso in the hole and again that sort regular blood coming out at. I'm more stories you can we teach you responded yet. It's just scary weekdays three to seven on Boston's rock station WA AF.
Transcript - Not for consumer use. Robot overlords only. Will not be accurate.
It's just scary weekdays three to seven on Boston's rock station WA AF. Well. With all. And. Or did it talking and they can be I love this station I've that was news station but he would be the first time I've ever issued an onstage. Very excited. U group Rhode Island right. I grew up and Providence, Rhode Island and Italian family 100% Italian. And then right. And it's funny because. Ma when you know tell people who aren't account that your account anything like either mafia or classic on the furniture like those of the things. Well that's my upbringing was like so that's I think gov. Well are out like. The mop departure because nobody is he runs numbers in Providence. And in this. He's got the front of the world which used door particulate John triple and like he did it secret because about. That's like that but he selling would be cheating he knows nothing of Britney when he decides that it pumped me he goes up. Eighty sell trunk of the car. Sued ratchet and use Allen Karl arms that he stole a lot of other people cart. And we knew about the fact that he is he's not a very good arms we talked about it to some of the box seat in between but what people in the works right. This is what it Guido at night while apparently remember years ago you know typical Catholic attack kills you know. It was a receiving line right open casket betterment instrument moms you know but look at it in incomes baht. Tokyo the plot inject a fluorescent orange so picture on bought gold chain. White patent Avago whites blacks and like that the queen tickle chat here but. One match loafers and not make it up no socks just the way has opened but it was the summer so people aren't you keep your eye. But he put so much powder that every time he stepped toward the casket. Possibly smoker coming out of the house of issues. They're in kindergarten something nominee the Pope. It's a but at the bit did you have to really neat room where everything had particularly on the only choice. A year yeah we what is there on Christmas and when we had company. Yet in eastern right that was you we have that we had we. My grandmother happened to him my grandma have a particular the Pope Jesus and strikes and not like those with a three picture right. But my mother's house my parents and what was working there furniture store and so there was a pig sty. Just hold this in high school. I mean I want to each one in Aaron instrument broken without don't normally have been stayed with it and they were out there haven't been in touch and in house except started to. Stereo and Oregon. It that's another thing about proper that we think of these reports stands in the middle of the wouldn't he goes. Oh my god. Kind of an animal would make a mess like this. Yeah having gotten ransacked. And exactly like a weapon programmes shade salami out there it's great men as are its. There was no picture JFK and the luck as we had valid to. Are you at it and say yeah. We and that it was a crop in every room like meanwhile hot spot swearing like a sailor bright light and we'll burn it all at all. My mother and 87 now and she wrote the depressions machine won't buy anything like she spoke to guard action literally stop at night. But it certainly namely that the garbage at Providence. And like she's he sent to track him like a caucus on the roguish yet it attract that it expects that a Vermont. If she got it shouldn't she finally hearing in the garbage at bat ears. If she uses that period and whistles all the time. You can never late to respect. And you know it's like talking to teach Atlanta how Esther okay it keeps you out of her mind. No it is crazier than an Italian that lived through the depression. Now nobody. She she Mark Cuban parliament that the requirement that the again none of this is made up she has styrofoam cool like that she got a Wal-Mart. It chic with different bills of different cool like bills to pay bills paid like literally sick of it lately we need to carry Rodham and yet you are. I think a lot of it like with just that she's got to remind. I sun my grandfather or my Sicilian grandfather. Making head she is he had a welding helmet on and he was blow torching the hair off the pig's head. Like you could Paris so just imagine that you know he's like the old guy they used to make a donut from a Dunkin' Donuts commercial that's used to look like an all white. When the welding helmet on hole the Higgs said by the ear. To blowtorch and hair off of. And it worked around what is going to be delicious it will be. Don't you pay Easter it would take on the warriors. What are you an enemy territory now is. You grow the private hands you're a Boston sports fan yes and you might even work in New York. I know it's not on the bright Red Sox so the patriots the nineteen. Forever my kid to. But yet I. I get the confrontations with people are not like armor. Can we out of results on. I don't listen 2007 whatever dynamic future as well and not enough. United chimney you know it wouldn't junior and sitting status yet read into expletive people security Yankee fan I was gonna fight with the diamond and you're. You Yankee into the most if not actually stand there'll be reading your face a vote. I don't know what we're gonna do lake. Pop why did we get public invoking telling me what. It is to present the principal and renew its patent estate I mean. Did you decide to obviously didn't take after reaching his peak so what what what they think it Husain risk. He should Amber's spring training bigger than Vince Wilfork. A except couldn't do it like hearing he Edwards brings an hour and a and a grinder a lot of this out of his pocket like that's what I think it's like. You didn't even care what twenty million mountains there and and so. I I am excited and took some clues as well as in baseball and and clean and and I hope that they can select. I perfect. In the period secular current treaty turn in my words that scare you take the mountains. He's certain. Element OK are some arm again and I do you have kids. Now. I had colleagues. Yet now you better. I. Premiere Wednesday and it people goes that in there but there are so busy or we should look into the woods and come back home yet. Apparently you know right and right in part to listen there's no aren't regular like. You're spirit in their spare time rightly I took of on this and and it's not every McCain not to do right. A lot of those permanent school market of cheese sandwich in the bill that burns appreciate it or crew chiefs are in an article. In a note that might two. I wanna go to a strip club gives me static. Daddy we fall skiers need. To check in burning ropes. Grown I would need I mean I don't need to take bat or just interrupt. So it's always something and now and going through puberty so what we've been talking about all that stuff you know which is interest and couldn't get inherent places you know. You're darn about living in new York and and you know being in the Red Sox fan I know you're contributor to the late show with Stephen called marriage that you got it Annie working on the daily shell. And please tell me who's always your buddy John Oliver did a Yankee Stadium. Yeah. It it it you know it's too much you know it's silly. But hoping it's a real became part of all of this you know what kind of your big cold air and you've called her and going back typical bear or. All my god when he. I've been embedded overseas a couple of times at the troops and I love his passion and support of the military. I love it when he has the medal of honor recipients on and and when he. Ever went over there and Odierno she shaved his head. Well it was wearing a suit made added Digi cam Malle I was like this guy. Is the best tests. Yeah yeah you gotta communicate Utica about the New York I'm the enemy territory grader ought to go outside. Now like crazy and I think that the U. We you know. That's about it initially we just pushing the envelope with stuff like. OK and I'll tell you the stories here. Well you'll play it but. We will do what he's about this story and show doing a piece about. You can at Times Square in cleaned it up and reform now Ariel. Kidney came in so we didn't correspond to swear. Like movement and that it distorts but it really is historically he's just hard for poor partner and emirates and of course are just went through the store and picked up what is he. Product like the little princess or whatever what they were just looked at the camera this is the deal. Late in it like. Literally fifteen and so we cut the piece together and that had to be screened by the executives are not. And the president. Connecticut they get put on the air and he didn't see it but aren't you might not he would. You can. Opt out you laughing at the same time kind of out you but he added you. Eagle and and eating beans spam and you can do it on the view. What was that coupled. I think it might won't let him sit. On a range of rule that you could only thing that goes into a movie like. My first questionable I can't say fifteen times how many times can I say they'll. Okay well there but you got it please give me some parameters to work. What has the right it would where we are ready to rent a cable and how many times it would. One of those moment shall never forget this I need to ship them back and forth it's like being a pop and out of respect yeah. How. Did that and every time we seem like it at a you know at the annual Christmas party whatever day it is six they'll no doubt now. A it's the seventh time you say bill though that it's over the edge. It's is to it did you know you gotta go I don't know if you remember Whitney brown number eight US. Cuba and now. Really dry really in he was the key along with our first. People on The Daily Show to do those. Correspondent pieces which are not corporate part of the sixty minute kill each correct so so Witten was. A buried in his very nice but what kind of at the precedent he'd like to master your head just in person it's one of those guys thank. And he that you're that in these agents hockey which sought these people in so deeply. Comedy meet you let's say you know like the mayor of the town only it was a woman we don't that you chastity belt her cult and couldn't break actions not which the real thing. It's so he do that so you can use this and get it though. So are you wouldn't would I would say. You're you're you're eccentric yes. Interest in yes. Provocative yes yes it he would get some more on it and you just keep. Insulting it's just keep nodding her head. Secretly. You know I was someone who should be at the sweep in any. And people would not now that they were being insulting and doing such passive aggressive way it was crazy it's so good. I don't know how you guys keep a straight face when your film and stuff like that because I would be. Literally crying and peeing at the same time. Well sometimes you can't like sometimes. You just. Like you have to go lake you have to. The break in putt you know and play they're not in on it but they're kind of so it this weird. Like juxtaposition. Of white beard of their unique and for the comedy but there also the target of the comedy at the same time now and you know we've just gotten away those you know that's just in crazy let me get a Monica Lewinsky thing. You know to hedge out of her that we had issues doing like those nations to know Vanity Fair spread after she got trouble with all the clintons suffer. You're just said spread and a head shots argun about Monica Lewinsky and my brain is crying. I need to see I do what you guys do can I can't keep my brain strain. Now alone you know what that's where they have like us baptism some that you're on somebody else bought you know like he argued he'd like. People are going Guardia at like twelve working right so it because some days. It just not click in or your uncle or whatever it is like. But what we were you doing this song and in this is that. The great thing about it but they want you to push the envelope and we'll be back you know and I mean and I and look your. Your former you know what that's like I'm sure that's happened so like we were doing this thing about going and like each kind of my writing partner tiger really that you know just instantly tell you know she could just to rehabilitate her career and certainly Vanity Fair spread so we like. But this isn't the only thing she's doing she just got endorsement from. It products like the milk industry and we had a pretty quote unquote milk shot older or chase our. That's that got milk at the bottom of it. And again the president network saw that we held it back from the script. Continue to show the picture they would put it in and it aired by apparently like it'll and he calls like you are particularly went nuts. And they pulled it and you never reader choke you show New Year's election victory of the times. During the course of the day in the night and they never re aired it and creating Elvis again. The highlights. You can product let you know. So it's it's been really insane just comes up you know you can talk about and do you know. Well really by that old adage is well that it's easier for forgiveness than it is for permission. Why haven't showed it she's gonna be no post it's going to be doing the same thing that everybody else is doing so we sort of I think the way we approached it and same thing. Armor on the late show colder now and you know it's like why not just. You know kind of push it and see how far you can go and you know. And then I don't know if you've been seeing we have this animated cartoon trump. All my god it's hilarious. Including cricket slates it's really the best like it's so much on Aaron. Our what do we do we edit your aviators you did you use it jury to challenge. For why is trump losing Wisconsin poll. Because this handout argument a vote count ego. All around. CNN go for more on the show with a giant budget a huge staff. And then you go to the second lonely his place in the world besides the pitcher's mound. Up onstage behind a microphone as a standup comic. Which it is you've got you know no safety net no staff if you're having a bad day your school food. Yeah but I like it because it's I lake and back and I talked to the auditing firm arm hacked them I mean really like your crops like it you know what I. Performance other than to your musician where you can break up for a walk in just legitimately puppet he can't let it this way or whatever and and but you know like a guy on TV shows and daytime shows and talk shows and talk about if it's not so recently we were talking about relationships and stuff and night. I've been saying you know like I just the other night like we were talking about like. Who manipulates more in a relationship. Men or women in that them on show on them. I don't know instead of the plot about it and act instead. Really. Out of that and more women are better because we've used sex to manipulate. And that's okay because great things had been achieved but and because when it's sixty minutes. We indicate men only invented fire and it was a woman whining if you call that. I don't fire right. Can you see it make you can you discuss regional currency goes mammogram. Our heads a running into each other with their warns you need to have a good time doing that. They do that because as a female optimist doctor and a poke around on I don't know what to write about it it's and you want a bigger that's all. Why I've said all along. Rock and roll wouldn't exist of women mourn bitches cell where the inspiration and amuse. Exactly. Exactly what that I had this provincial Bettany natural Rocco yeah. I would go on their children and I would he yell back and I was on and they ask me let me ask you would have went. You know what more coordinator relationships communication or sects right. In our bodies on air because security now no communication. Station and that's of that now. Now that's the great question you say that the accused in polite circles. You know videos intersect. Because especially for men men don't fantasize about communication. Little guy out there right now you know what. I wish and I have a three way dialogue with two women about how they feel. That's like most guys worst nightmare. Exactly did you imagine like. You need another woman just a chit chat and like they were gonna get the spotlight at the airport can build those in the car way to go here let's go. That's what I don't understand you know like those sister wives people. Like what living hell does that guy wanna be and for the rest of his light breeze got more wide so. Might hasn't won any probably plot to my violent dads on an hourly basis. Our other lipid. I am with you like I say. I had actually. You know we would talk in between commercial breaks we had we talked to the audience during the show. In it was a poorly in this year we used to girlfriends and his wife. Came when we start talking again bottom onstage replied to and can take him when he opened my way of response expect that we well what the white and I spent. Cameron I we mature and those are good at political art. Our particular girl and aren't you waited out and it. The way he does not back I'm looking for another point I'd have to look for an eight. And and you look at the guys that long scraggly hair in literally cut off jeans we Wear suspenders he literally looked like. You visited shack and best of Vermont like in this guy's got toward women in his life and I'm like I don't whine. In my way my what I'm completely opposite currently she's quiet methodical I'm like all over the place like it's an Italian cheaply. Very the one thing at a time I'm like I multicast or bad. You know we might never mean seeking to make it look at my wife are wonderful in my broker eat Chinese who watch football game at a satellite missions they'll. A but it who cares about the debt he did on that so did write your. And I'd give you credit for being efficient would your diet yeah. You know what and maybe. And I remember like in high school we needed fourteen years and America has the other. And we dated fourteen years before we get married and she proposed finally. I. She or are you. That I can remember exact words that did I get really emotional and I talked about it that they and the report get off. Might snap right to detention right retention. Oh my god. And you know what you are trying you know but she really is she's accusing a lot of lightning looked back and part of some sort of he comes from white background real quiet they don't wake. A mobile just it ends up and Colin you know running means like they don't like this in words like Italians are like what did you mean by that. That morning now like it might act and a dynamic you know. I did tell my husband and that I don't think he cares about anything in less yells about it and he understands that he's not Italians yet. Yeah like you're not yelling about it therefore you must not care. He had that black we like you would like more accurate my wife first game in any traction she really. She literally that they are experts sharply but the expression people have written so that Hindenburg explode. Like why don't like it she it would break you know the public fourteen quite the food flying around them. My uncle's a smoke a cigar because Bobby shore up that he stole their people yelling about politics and and you sort of light and heat you don't know that this is just the way it it. Writely to what it's like normal. Right that's two day. It. It seriously is like a horror film to an outsider. I'll keep because we've been I had dinner at their house it was like steak potato. In a role. Like meanwhile you know les you know we get a bit accounting. My uncle Archie went barbershop. In province. That's the way now you know the deli place in the big speech silver Delhi like. I have one in my kitchen and yes I do so. I think you'll like your. And it did they made it and long. Late baloney not at all and what that he would be 100 scratch. It's. A almighty god. I happen what might we noted late. Analytical is viewed what do you do you put it shouldn't. Like. You to keep. Did you know David. A commercial grades like sir in your said. Yeah and I'm like don't judge me when the next time you wanna buy and tigers allowed me you'll get many. But this is desperate. An aggregate look at it don't I ever had at a little that's her brother was bigger than that it's what she went on here I would sit there. And I watched my uncle who would be smoking his cigar while he did it's slow and so on just mesmerized watching this peace is salaam were all on that. No trade. Is hypnotize and oh my god the sword and sealing your Mohegan this week you gonna come seniority and all I spoke to many as your family got to show up. My Brothers and my mother com's what you've written here unique. She doesn't it really doesn't work each year so she harbors in the back of the room tries to get your speakers right like. It's in the eighties that are on it anymore. And good wandering around the room. Trying to I'm not only in the keep that out of her she should completely out of her mind and she puts you battery in refrigerator. Not fresh. Battery. Prepared she literally went oh. They eat ice age and refrigerators and the mustard in it at that she cried Jimmy reed battery with a gonna come back alike. I can't it's as it seems like it because it probably won't happen which it ridiculous like. People wanna see the sitcom you're going to be at comics comedy club at Mohegan. What Thursday Friday Saturday. Yet once you know there's they want your Friday and Saturday both comics and the next year or my next commonwealth one word comes comedy dot com to check it stands it's a beautiful new venue they just sit there and as the clouds are really afraid of him it's it's a it's just a lot of fun you know a lot of my friends you know all my friends and family you're still up in Rhode Island Connecticut absolutely. Within an epic shot several folks. Folk and try to get stories all the stories and more more. You a lawyer turned comedian I left Wall Street to be a comic it's like analysts' current you know. On the all the links up so everybody can find you up in my blighted WA AF dot com. Great great picking and you know have a podcast and had done on the car and beyond and Jay Leno host you can call bear jittery lenders a lot of cool guest you can get my podcast on our web site called curious how. I really appreciate you can't pomp. It sounds like we've been cut from the same cloth. Yeah it relate their brother and sister that was separated at birth. You gotta now under the new York and I know my yet I would love to that would be amazing. Yet this is appreciate. Come on the show time and please let me know when you're gonna schedule again got from Boston to I'd love daddy come and sit in the studio. Yeah we're actually talking about your date with the club. If it's. Top bought in common Tommy Barrasso in the hole and again that sort regular blood coming out at. I'm more stories you can we teach you responded yet. It's just scary weekdays three to seven on Boston's rock station WA AF.